Monday, May 26, 2008
mice & men themes (UGH!)
Candy and his dog represent, death, sickness and even the ending of dreams. Although they are old and uesless doesn't mean they can't be cured from sickness and off life support, and it surely doesn't mean they can't have dreams. However, Candy for example is a perfect example. He makes plans with George and Lennie, but his dreams cease when Lennie kills Curly's wife and everything is forced down hill. I guess things don't work out in your favor, when you over think things.
In conclusion, Of Mice and Men is a mega awesome novel filled with symbols that represent or reflect a character. This book is a must read because it's filled with loads of english class appliances that any teacher would want their student to read. Trust me, you don't want to upset them, you know english teachers and their lessons on symbols...
empire Of DA SUN
Of mice and Men
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Goals for Service learning
1. Constitution Center- because there are a vast amount of tourists that attend there and could look at our fundraiser as souvenirs
2. Penns landing- Because there are numerous events that go on there at this part of the year
3. City hall- Because Many people are around there at all parts of the day
Monday, May 5, 2008
REFLECTION 4/24-4/25
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
empire of the sun
Throughout the movie Steven Speilberg took great camera angles. Some Camera angles were symbolic in the movie. For example, there was a scene were you seen his room at the beginning of the movie
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Bloom's Taxonomy
-When they left the pool room they went to tehe movie theatre.
2. Comprehension - What differences exist between Bigger and Buddy?
-Bigger is the son that does not listen to his mother, he is also the man of his house. Buddy is the obedient son. He cares about his family.
3. Application - What factor cold have possibliy changed if Bigger was th eone found in the fire place?
-The incident wouldn't have made it to the press because he was blacka nd he already had a record.
4. Analysis - What were some of the motives behind Bigger starting a fight with us?
-Bigger was scared of robbing Old Blum's and Gus wasn't sure the he wanted to rob him so they started fighting.
5. Synthesis - Can you see a possible solution to Bigger scaring his sister with the rat?
-There could have been more possible solutions for Bigger when he killed the rat. He could of just tookthe rat to the trash like his mother asked him. Being the disobedient son instead of listening to his mother he scared his sister.
6 Evaluation - How would you have handled the situation when Mary told you that she wasn't going to the university?
-If I was the driver and she told me she was going to meet a friend and she wasn't going to the university I would of drove her where she wanted to go. Even though by doing that I could of got in trouble by her parents I wouldn't of cared. If I would of got in trouble I would of just took the blame because I know her parents wouldn't of believed me. Since I was black I could of lost my job and her parents wold of believed her because they think she is a good girl.
Monday, March 3, 2008
5 independent service learning ideas
2.Go to the Breast-Cancer Foundation
3. Go to the HIV/Aids program and help out
4. Create another garden
5. Paint more murals
Friday, February 29, 2008

- Main Entry:
- blas·phe·my
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈblas-fə-mē\
- Function:
- noun
- Inflected Form(s):
- plural blas·phe·mies
- Date:
- 13th century
Missing: Where Could They Be?
This is Shawanda Smith reporting from the scene of Mr. Dalton house this was the last place that Mary Dalton was seen. Copes have one person in custody a negro man about 20-years old. He is said to be Mr. Dalton driver. The nigger boy said that Mary is not missing but has run away. That is all on this story but if you have any information about this case call the free hotline. Hope to have more information about this case and back to you Dimitris.
This is Dimitris Koutsialis reporting live from what is now a crime scene. It has been 4days from the last time that I reporting and asking you for help to find Mary Dalton who was said to be missing. In this house behind me is were Mary’s body lay she was found in side if the furnace it is said that here body was burned for so long that only bones were found. Her head was not located with her body when they found the head it was badly beaten her head was cut off. There is now a man hunt for Mr.Dalton driver a nigger that goes by the name Bigger Thomas if you know the were about of Bigger Thomas feel free to call.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Chapter 3- Shut up and drive
Dalton and he had to take Mary any were that she wonted to go and she just turned into another person she stared smoking and she asked Bigger was he going to tell.
I think that Richard Wright wrote this part in the book because he people have to personality for example Mary was a good girl when she was in the house with her family but when she is by her self she gets drunk and smoke
Chapter 2 - Nightstick 29-31
I think that Richard Wright wrote this part in the book because he was trying to be funny an tell what boys talk about and do when there girl friends are not around and what boy talk like and how they act.
Chapter 1- Get down or laydown
I think this part was made because he wonted to let people know that even if you are big and you try to act big but there is always a weak spot in you that you are always scared of something and but you have to act big in font of your friends so they think that you are not scared of anything.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008 This website is giving a historic record of cultures who bared and believed in tattoo’s - This Source is informing the reader about how tattoos came around and why people chose tattoos over piercing source informs the reader about how tattoos are looked upon in the Christian religion. - This website was giving an in-depth history and outlook on the art of tattooing.
Tomrell Hunter- This source has a tattoo saying “In God I trust”
Tiana Brown- This source has a tattoo of her mother and fathers name and a picture of M&M’s
Diante Cowen-
Andrew Howard-
Alberto Romero-
Bad Boys And Tough Tattoos: A social history of the tattoo with gangs, sailors and street-corner punks 1950-1965 By:Samuel L. Stewarts- This is a book informing the reader about what tattoo’s were around in the 1900’s
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Personally, I don’t think that religion should be banned from school. However, I don’t believe that we should be forced into religion in school or have mandatory classes on religion. Don’t get me wrong I am a Christian but I could see where people against religion in schools are coming from because, well… It hasn’t been proven.
I believe that If a teacher is Muslim and is a women they should be able to wear their kemars, vials and over garments while teaching. I don’t believe that they should have to take it off. I think that teachers should be able to teach religion in classrooms without persuading or leading students in believing what that teacher believes in. I believe that because just because it is a religion people should still know about it.
Dimitris Koutsialis